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Realtime WhatsApp Details Detection

Check the details of the WhatsApp of the input global number, whether it is whatsapp account, status update time, signature, whether it is a corporate account, whether there is an avatar.

Code example:

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--header 'X-API-Key: AbcdEfgh' \
--data-urlencode 'callback=https://YOUR_CALLBACK_URL' \
--data-urlencode 'number=628138800001&country=ID'

Non-callback request (callback is empty), response for the input number have already registered whatsapp

"status": "OK",
"message": {
"number": "+628138800001",
"whatsapp": "yes",
"status_update": "20180825",
"signature": "Saya suka global",
"avatar": "yes",
"region": "Indonesia",
"carrier": "Telkomsel"

Non-callback request (callback is empty), response for the input number not register whatsapp

"status": "OK",
"message": {
"number": "+628138800001",
"whatsapp": "no",
"status_update": "",
"signature": "",
"avatar": "",
"region": "Indonesia",
"carrier": "Telkomsel"

Non-callback request (callback is empty), response for the input number is checking

"status": "OK",
"message": {
"number": "+628138800001",
"whatsapp": "checking",
"status_update": "",
"signature": "",
"avatar": "",
"region": "Indonesia",
"carrier": "Telkomsel"

Return by callback address (callback address)

Terminal window
GET https://YOUR_CALLBACKURL/?number=%2B628138800001&whatsapp=yes&status_update=20180825&signature=Saya+suka+global&business_user=no&avatar=yes

HTTP request


Request parameters

numberstring, phone number
countrystring, Country abbreviation. Mexico: MX, Nigeria: NG, India: IN.
callbackoptional, string, callback url. Strongly recommended to use callback url

Response format

statusstatus code
messagenumber: phone number
whatsapp: conclusion
status_update: status update
signature: signature
avatar: avatar
region: region
carrier: carrier

Directly Get Result

When the whatsapp value is checking, it needs to be detected again for a period of time (>20s).

Callback Get Result

When the field callback is not empty, it is returned to the callback URL once the result is queried. Please do not call back the same number multiple times. Return method is GET https://YOUR_CALLBACKURL/?number=%2B628138800001&whatsapp=yes&status_update=20180825&signature=Saya+suka+global&avatar=yes&region=Indonesia&carrier=Telkomsel

Status code

OKthe whatsapp value is checking, unavailable for free else charge, message contains the result
FAILfree, invalid query
INVALID_INPUTfree, invalid input
RETRY_LATERfree, server error, please try again later