WhatsApp Bulk Number Checker Details API: Profile & Status Info
Check the details of the WhatsApp of the input global number, whether it is whatsapp account, signature, status_update.
Upload Detection File Code example:
curl --location 'https://api.ekycpro.com/wa/api/detail/tasks' \--header 'X-API-Key: API-KEY' \--form 'user_id="USER_ID"' \--form 'file=@"input.txt"'
Check Task Status Code example:
curl --location 'https://api.ekycpro.com/wa/api/detail/tasks/cs9viu7i61pkfs4oavvg?user_id=USER_ID' \--header 'X-API-Key: API-KEY'
Response for the upload detection file successful
{ "created_at": "2024-10-19T18:24:56.450567423Z", "updated_at": "2024-10-19T18:24:56.450567423Z", "task_id": "cs9viu7i61pkfs4oavvg", "user_id": "test", "status": "pending", "total": 0, "success": 0, "failure": 0}
Response for the processing status
{ "created_at": "2024-10-19T18:24:56.450567423Z", "updated_at": "2024-10-19T18:33:22.86152082Z", "task_id": "cs9viu7i61pkfs4oavvg", "user_id": "test", "status": "processing", "total": 20000, "success": 6724, "failure": 0}
Provide a response indicating the task is completed and include the download URL for the results.
{ "created_at": "2024-10-19T18:24:56.450567423Z", "updated_at": "2024-10-19T18:53:43.141760071Z", "task_id": "cs9viu7i61pkfs4oavvg", "user_id": "test", "status": "exported", "total": 20000, "success": 20000, "failure": 0, "result_url": "https://example-link-to-results.xlsx"}
Upload file request url
POST https://api.ekycpro.com/wa/api/detail/tasks
Upload file request parameters
Parameter | Description |
user_id | string , User ID |
file | file , Upload file, each line should contain one phone number in E.164 format |
Check task detail request url
GET https://api.ekycpro.com/wa/api/detail/tasks/{TASK_ID}
Check task detail request parameters
Parameter | Description |
user_id | string , User ID |
Result Fields
Field | Description | Example |
Number | Phone number in E.164 format | +41798284651 |
signature | Signature of WhatsApp status | ”Hey there! I am using WhatsApp” |
status_update | Last status update time | 2025-01-19 |
whatsapp | Whether number has active WhatsApp account | yes, no |
Response Format
Field | Description |
created_at | Timestamp when task was created |
updated_at | Timestamp of last task status update |
task_id | Unique task identifier |
user_id | ID of user |
status | Task status: pending : Queued and waiting processing : Currently processing completed : Processing finished exported : Results available for download |
total | Total phone numbers processed |
success | Numbers successfully identified |
failure | Numbers that failed processing |
result_url | (Optional) Download URL for results when status is exported |
Status Codes
Status | Description |
200 | charge , Request successful, task created or status retrieved |
400 | free , Bad request, invalid parameters or file format |
500 | free , Internal server error, retry later |