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WhatsApp Avatar Recognition

Analyze the uploaded avatar images and provide a detailed analysis, the analysis of a single image and includes the following fields: Gender, Age Range, Age, Category.

Code example:

curl -X POST '' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'X-API-Key: AbcdEfgh' \
-d '{
"images": [
{"image_url": ""},
{"image_url": ""}

Response for the recognition result

"age": 17,
"age_range": "teenager",
"category": "cartoon avatar",
"gender": "male"
}, {
"age": 0,
"age_range": "unidentifiable",
"category": "landscape",
"gender": "unidentifiable"

Response for the requested image can not download

"status": "400",
"message": "no image"

Response for inner error

"status": "500",
"message": "no response"

HTTP request


Request parameters

imagesarray, a list of objects containing image URLs to be analyzed. Each object should have an image_url key with the URL of the image as its value.
image_urlstring, the URL of the image to be analyzed. Each URL should point to an accessible image resource online.

Response format

age_rangeEstimated age range of the person in the photo. Possible values include: “child”, “teenager”, “adult”, “middle-aged”, or “elderly”.
ageEstimated specific age of the person in the photo as an integer.
genderIdentified gender of the person in the photo. Possible values: “male”, “female”, or “unidentifiable”.
categoryClassified type of avatar based on its content. Possible values include: “individual portrait”, “group photo”, “game avatar”, “cartoon avatar”, “landscape”, “pet avatar”, or other appropriate categories.

Status code

200charge, recognition result
400free, no image
500free, no response