WhatsApp Avatar Recognition
Analyze the uploaded avatar images and provide a detailed analysis, the analysis of a single image and includes the following fields: Gender, Age Range, Age, Category.
Code example:
curl -X POST 'https://api.ekycpro.com/ai/recognition' \-H 'accept: application/json' \-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \-H 'X-API-Key: AbcdEfgh' \-d '{ "images": [ {"image_url": "https://media-nrt1-2.cdn.whatsapp.net/v/t61.24694-24/454757514_1011142666981791_2305441696372508973_n.jpg?ccb=11-4&oh=01_Q5AaIOub6SZ125dyXHPy9OdrOiUKAMpTLZcEKQcVbCYRb8rW&oe=66E01C95&_nc_sid=5e03e0&_nc_cat=109"}, {"image_url": "https://media-nrt1-2.cdn.whatsapp.net/v/t61.24694-24/397815493_1052287219300018_2368350761412822588_n.jpg?ccb=11-4&oh=01_Q5AaIGhlAkpZq485dKKeR4kH-RcEwXB97YVGuXw4t6WidGZR&oe=66E027B9&_nc_sid=5e03e0&_nc_cat=101"} ]}'
Response for the recognition result
[{ "age": 17, "age_range": "teenager", "category": "cartoon avatar", "gender": "male"}, { "age": 0, "age_range": "unidentifiable", "category": "landscape", "gender": "unidentifiable"}]
Response for the requested image can not download
{ "status": "400", "message": "no image"}
Response for inner error
{ "status": "500", "message": "no response"}
HTTP request
POST https://api.ekycpro.com/ai/recognition
Request parameters
parameter | description |
images | array , a list of objects containing image URLs to be analyzed. Each object should have an image_url key with the URL of the image as its value. |
image_url | string , the URL of the image to be analyzed. Each URL should point to an accessible image resource online. |
Response format
fields | description |
age_range | Estimated age range of the person in the photo. Possible values include: “child”, “teenager”, “adult”, “middle-aged”, or “elderly”. |
age | Estimated specific age of the person in the photo as an integer. |
gender | Identified gender of the person in the photo. Possible values: “male”, “female”, or “unidentifiable”. |
category | Classified type of avatar based on its content. Possible values include: “individual portrait”, “group photo”, “game avatar”, “cartoon avatar”, “landscape”, “pet avatar”, or other appropriate categories. |
Status code
status | description |
200 | charge , recognition result |
400 | free , no image |
500 | free , no response |