Mexico ID Multi Inquiries
This API is for Mexico Multiplatform Detection, input an ID number number and this service will return every circumstance where the ID number has been checked by a financial institution without revealing any sensitive information during last two years.
Code example:
curl --location --request POST '' \--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \--header 'X-API-Key: AbcdEfgh' \--data-urlencode 'id=LOPA001007MZSPRLD5'
Response for find result
{ "status": "OK", "message": { "07d": 0, "14d": 1, "21d": 1, "30d": 2, "60d": 4, "90d": 11, "total": 11 }}
Response for invalid request parameters
{ "status": "INVALID_ID_NUMBER", "message": "Invalid ID number, please check the NIK format"}
Response for server error
{ "status": "RETRY_LATER", "message": "Service is not available right now, please try again later"}
HTTP request
Request parameters
parameter | description |
id | string , ID card number |
Response format
parameter | description |
status | status code |
message | 07d :Within 7 days the number of institutions 14d :Within 14 days the number of institutions 21d :Within 21 days the number of institutions 30d :Within 30 days the number of institutions 60d :Within 60 days the number of institutions 90d :Within 90 days the number of institutions total :The total number of institutionsa of the last two years |
Status code
status | description |
OK | charge , success, message contains the conclusion |
INVALID_ID_NUMBER | free , invalid ktp number |
RETRY_LATER | free ,server error, please try again later |