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Mexico ID Card OCR

id number + name recognition

Code example:

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--header 'X-API-Key: AbcdEfgh' \
--data-urlencode 'img=BASE64_ENCODE_VALUE'

Response for card front recognition success

"status": "OK",
"message": {
"gender": "M",
"idNumber": "MONY801107MTSLRR07",
"voterId": "MLNRYR80110728M300"
"fatherLastName": "MOLINA",
"motherLastName": "NORATO",
"name": "YURI YERANIA",
"birthday": "15/07/1987",
"issueYear": "2011",
"expiryYear": "2021",
"registrationYearAndMonth": "200101",
"municipalNumber": "041",
"postalCode": "87040",
"placeNumber": "0001",
"stateNumber": "28",
"state": "TAMPS",
"district": "VICTORIA",
"subDistrict":"FRACC EL MIRADOR",
"addressAll": "AND 8 1121 INF ALDAMA 87040 VICTORIA ,TAMPS.",

Response for card back recognition success

"status": "OK",
"message": {
"idNumber": "",
"fatherLastName": "JTMENEZ",
"motherLastName": "HERNANDEZ",
"name": "ADRTANA",
"birthday": "16/03/1970",
"gender": "M",
"expiryYear": "2032",
"issueYear": "2022",
"voterId": "",
"placeNumber": "",
"stateNumber": "",
"municipalNumber": "",
"state": "",
"district": "",
"subDistrict": "",
"addressAll": "",
"postalCode": "",
"registrationYearAndMonth": ""

Response for recognition fail

"status": "FAIL",
"message": "check input image and retry"

Response for invalid request parameters

"status": "INVALID_REQUEST",
"message": "check request params"

Response for invalid image format

"message": "image format not support"

Response for image size larger than 2M

"message": "image larger than 2M"

Response for server error

"status": "INNER_ERROR",
"message": "Inner error, please retry later"

HTTP request


Request parameters

imgstring, base64 encoded image. It is recommended that the image be less than 200KB, so it will be returned within 2 seconds, otherwise the return time will be longer.

Response format

statusstatus code
messageidNumber: id number
fullName: name
fatherLastName:father lastName
motherLastName: mother lastName
name: name
birthday: birthday
gender: gender
expiryYear: expiry year
issueYear : issue year
voterId: voter id
placeNumber: place number
stateNumber: state number
municipalNumber: municipal number
state: state
district: district
subDistrict: sub district
addressAll: address
postalCode: postal code
registrationYearAndMonth: registration year and month

Status code

OKcharge, success
FAILcharge, image recognition error, please check input image
INVALID_REQUESTfree, invalid request parameters
IMAGE_INVALID_FORMATfree, invalid image format, image format should be one of jpeg/jpg/png/bmp
IMAGE_INVALID_SIZEfree, invalid image size, should be less than 2M
INNER_ERRORfree, server error