Global Phone Carrier Inquiry
Global phone carrier inquiry, billions of records, timely updates, high accuracy.
Code example:
curl --location --request POST '' \--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \--header 'X-API-Key: AbcdEfgh' \--data-urlencode 'number=628138800001&country=ID'
Response example for normal request
{ "status": "ok", "message": { "country_code": 62, "national_number": 8138800001, "is_valid_number": true, "number_type": "MOBILE", "e164": "+628138800001", "region_code": "ID", "location": { "en": "" }, "time_zones": ["Asia/Jakarta"], "carrier": { "en": "AXIS" } }}
Response example for error request
{ "status": "FAIL", "message": "The phone number supplied is not a number."}
HTTP request
Request parameters
parameter | description |
number | string , phone number |
country | string , region code, such as ID for Indonesia |
Status code
status | description |
OK | free , success |
FAIL | free , fail, message field contains the error message |
Phone number fields description
fields | description |
country_code | country code, such as 62 for Indonesia |
national_number | domestic calling number |
is_valid_number | is valid number |
number_type | number type, MOBILE 、FIXED_LINE |
e164 | e164 formated number |
region_code | region code, such asID for Indonesia |
location | location, multilingual |
time_zones | time zones |
carrier | service provider, multilingual |
Phone number type description
type | description |
MOBILE | mobile phone |
FIXED_LINE | fixed telephone |
FIXED_LINE_OR_MOBILE | Mobile phone or fixed telephone, in some countries, it is impossible to distinguish between fixed and mobile phones only by its number alone |
UNKNOWN | Unknown |