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Face Search

Search for the same face photos that have been added by face photos

1. Add face image

Code example:

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--header 'X-API-Key: AbcdEfgh' \
--data-urlencode 'img=BASE64_ENCODE_VALUE'

Response for add face success with one face in the image

"status": "OK",
"message": [
"name": "ID0",
"person_id": "4fbd9474-e09f-4e7d-9a2f-06fa1167f67e"

Response for add face success with two faces in the image

"status": "OK",
"message": [
"name": "ID1",
"person_id": "c4b38db9-0721-4703-bf4d-306d176dd455"
"name": "ID2",
"person_id": "2c8460fa-3a44-4250-9542-a1e523f21a26"

Response for detecting face failed

"message": "check input image and retry"

Response for server error

"status": "FAIL",
"message": "please try again later"

Response for invalid image format

"message": "image format not support"

Response for image size larger than 2M

"message": "image larger than 2M"

HTTP request


Request parameters

imgstring, use base64 to encode the face image
namestring, information attached to the added face, less than 128 characters, combination of numbers and letters
facedboptional, string, facedb ID. if you need open facedb, please contact business people to provide additional facedb info

Response format

statusstatus code, if status is OK, successfully add face image
messagesome message of the addition result
person_id: this is the unique personal id which you have added
name: the input personal name

Status code

OKcharge, successfully add face image, add face is free
FACE_DETECT_FAILEDcharge, detect face failed
IMAGE_INVALID_SIZEfree, image larger than 2M
IMAGE_INVALID_FORMATfree, invalid image format, image format should be one of jpeg/jpg/png/bmp
INVALID_REQUESTfree, invalid request parameters
FAILfree, other errors

2. Search the same face

Code example:

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--header 'X-API-Key: AbcdEfgh' \
--data-urlencode 'img=BASE64_ENCODE_VALUE'

Response for get similar faces

"status": "OK",
"message": [
"confidence": 100,
"name": "NAME",
"person_id": "154fa1b2-9a21-4e67-8ea3-075c76162900"
"confidence": 80,
"name": "",
"person_id": "4fbd9474-e09f-4e7d-9a2f-06fa1167f67e"

Response for get no similar faces

"status": "NO_SIMILAR_FACE",
"message": "no similar face in db"

Response for detecting face failed

"message": "check input image and retry"

Response for invalid image format

"message": "image format not support"

Response for image size larger than 2M

"message": "image larger than 2M"

Response for server error

"status": "FAIL",
"message": "please try again later"

HTTP request


Request parameters

imgstring, the base64 encode of the face image
facedboptional, string, facedb ID. if you need open facedb, please contact business people to provide additional facedb info

Response format

statusstatus code
messagesome message of the face search result
confidence: this is the confidence level of the searched face, the range is [0, 100]. Confidence greater than 80 will be listed, and maximum of 50 similar items will be listed. In actual situations, Confidence need set at around 95 points to ensure sufficient accuracy.
person_id: this is the unique personal id which you have added
name: the input personal info

Status code

OKcharge, success search the face image
NO_SIMILAR_FACEcharge, no similar face in db
FACE_DETECT_FAILEDcharge, detect face failed
IMAGE_INVALID_SIZEfree, image larger than 2M
IMAGE_INVALID_FORMATfree, invalid image format, image format should be one of jpeg/jpg/png/bmp
INVALID_REQUESTfree, invalid request parameters
FAILfree, other errors

3. Delete face

Code example:

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--header 'X-API-Key: AbcdEfgh' \
--data-urlencode 'person_id=personId'

Response for delete face success

"status": "OK",
"message": "successfully deleted face"

Response for input person id not exist

"status": "PERSON_ID_NOT_EXIST",
"message": "check input person id"

Response for server error

"status": "FAIL",
"message": "please try again later"

HTTP request


Request parameters

person_idstring, person id
facedboptional, string, facedb ID. if you need open facedb, please contact business people to provide additional facedb info

Response format

statusstatus code
messageerr description

Status code

OKfree, success delete face
PERSON_ID_NOT_EXISTfree, input person id not exist
INVALID_REQUESTfree, invalid request parameters
FAILfree, other errors